For this time. Aj Gob assigned us to work in term of business grammar in the class. We needed to be able to express ourselves diplomatically to make our point firmly but politely. I thought it was rather difficult because I didn't know how to say in a delicate negotiation. I could do this in some items. I thought it challenged. Moreover, we had the role play about 12 minutes. I was actress. For this, it made me excited very much because I had never done like this before. After that every things were ok. I was so proud of my group because we worked from our heart to audiences. I would like to say thank you everyone so much for this. Love all of them !
วันจันทร์ที่ 5 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553
Journal 6
For this time. Aj Gob assigned us to work in term of business grammar in the class. We needed to be able to express ourselves diplomatically to make our point firmly but politely. I thought it was rather difficult because I didn't know how to say in a delicate negotiation. I could do this in some items. I thought it challenged. Moreover, we had the role play about 12 minutes. I was actress. For this, it made me excited very much because I had never done like this before. After that every things were ok. I was so proud of my group because we worked from our heart to audiences. I would like to say thank you everyone so much for this. Love all of them !
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