A key factor of the company’s success is Ferrero relationship with consumer is based on mutual trust with the experience and understanding. For above, it makes Ferrero to be successful and accepted in term of products around the world.

Key Dates :
1942: Pietro Ferrero moves his pastry shp tp Alba.
1946: Ferrero introduces his own recipe, a mixture of hazelnuts and cocoa butter
called "pasta gianduja."
1948: Ferrero launches its own distribution operations, building up a fleet of
200 delivery vans by the early 1950s.
1949: Company launches improved recipe for pasta gianduja,
called Supercrema Gianduja.
1954: Gianduja brand name is changed to Nutella for the Italian market.
1956: Company opens its first international subsidiary in Germany.
1968: Kinder brand of chocolate products for children debuts.
1969: Ferrero establishes U.S. subsidiary and begins marketing Tic Tac
for that market.
1997: Company opened new $100 million productions facility in Brazil.
2002: Ferrero announces its interest in forming international partnerships.